Duolingo Progress (thoughts)

If you were wondering how the Latin was going on Duolingo.

I’m doing okay, it’s starting to feel a bit tense with new words being thrown in and this being the first new language I’ve tried to learn since school. I know I can just quit at any time but I’m powering through. I can feel it working you know?

Not sure if I’ve mentioned this in a previous post, but I recently purchased a copy of ‘Gwynne’s Latin’ by N. M. Gwynne to add to the education I get from Duolingo.

Here’s hoping I stick to it. Not like it’s something I’ve wanted to do for most of my life or anything like that.

Yes, I Am Aware That Latin Is Dead (thoughts)

As the title of this post denotes, I am aware that Latin as a language is dead. Even though it’s hard to believe when just the other day I learnt that Marcus studet in urbe and Corinna domi dormit. Latin is dead, sure, as there are no native speakers. But it’s in no way forgotten. Morphing over time and geographical distance as language tends to do. So why learn it? Why devote time to it? Continue reading “Yes, I Am Aware That Latin Is Dead (thoughts)”