Hot Chocolate in Iceland (thoughts)

I just had a great thought, I might make myself a hot chocolate.
This is the first time since Winter that that thought has popped into my head

This makes me very happy, because I really like the cold.
Hence yesterdays poem.

On the topic of the cold, I am very excited, because this time next month I will be in Iceland. I really like Iceland, I mean, I really like it. Continue reading “Hot Chocolate in Iceland (thoughts)”

From A Time in Japan (thoughts)

Last year I went to Japan for several days, to see my friend and play the role of tourist. Walking around Shibuya at night, siting in the shadow of Mt. Fuji and staying in a capsule hotel being just a slither of the amazing experiences that I have had in Japan in the times I’ve been there.

But, one of those memories makes me randomly laugh from time to time, just for how typically hipster it was. The second time I went I didn’t rent a car, which leant itself to walking around the city more. My friend, his girlfriend and myself hung out with a guy that my friend had met on his travels on his way to Japan. This led to me getting along with that group of friends also. There was a night where I was hanging out with one of the girls in the group, a Norwegian girl studying in Tokyo and I went back to hers to hear some of her poetry (trust me it gets way more hipster in a second). Continue reading “From A Time in Japan (thoughts)”